Sonntag, 7. Juli 2013

My Graduation.

Hey Guys,

so much stress in the past few days. On Friday I had my Graduation, we all met in our School to get our papers and to say goodbye. It was really warm and finally the sun was shining.
The Graduation took about 2 hours and we had to build Groups with our friends to go together to the stage. We were allowed to choose a song for our walk to the stage. Maria, Lisa and I choose "Can't hold us" from Macklemore (everbody knew that song and they were all clapping hands :)).

After my graduation, my Family and I went to a nice italian restaurant to celebrate my graduation. After that some friends came over to me and we celebrated till morning !!

Today I'm going to the prom from my Cousin. Going to Show Pictures tomorrow :))
Have a nice day,
Love Alina

My sister <3

Maria - Me - Lisa

Family :)

Haha, shoes were a little too high

Mum's boyfriend is missing

Samstag, 15. Juni 2013


Hey guys,

just a little update. I was at Gerry Weber Open yesterday, big Tennis matches for a week (I even saw Kohlschreiber and Federer !!!). Just took some Pictures with my phone, cause we I was not allowed to bring my camera with me.
Enjoy, Alina

Oh, and maybe I have some pictures of Wednesday, I spend the night with some friends on a big sea near us .. Think there won't be nice pictures :(

Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013

Where's the summer ?

Where's the sun ? I just lost all my motivation in nearly everything, cause the sun and the summer is missing.
I went shopping a few times, but I wasn't in the mood to buy any new summer clothes, cause I finally think, we won't have a summer this year. Well, some things I bought for summer, but only because I'm going to Greece with my Family. This will be the only time I'm able to wear them.
Wanted to Show them to you anyway...

Love, Alina

Gina Tricot

Military Look, perfect for Summer :)

H&M - Lace, must have

Statement Necklace from Primark


H&M - Perfect shoes

Freitag, 3. Mai 2013


Hey Guys,

I'm sorry, but this is only for the german readers ... so I'm going to switch to german.

ich bin seit geraumer Zeit auf der Suche nach einer schönen Lederjacke für den Frühling/Herbst (haha, ja ich weiß hat noch ein bisschen Zeit). Da ich im Moment in den Läden nix finde, habe ich mal im Internet geschaut und bin auf die Seite gestoßen. Ich habe schon öfters von der Seite gehört, aber ich bin nie wirklich dadrauf gegangen und hab mal geschaut. Aber heute habe ich es endlich mal gemacht und ich muss sagen ich bin echt begeistert. Sooo ein riesiges Angebot an allem möglichen. Und vorallem das beste, wenn es im Online Shop ausverkauft ist, dann ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit echt groß, dass man den Artikel bei Kleiderkreisel doch noch bekommt. Außerdem finde ich es eine gute Sache und ich gebe mein Geld lieber an andere Leute in meinem Alter, die das vielleicht gebrauchen können, als an die ohnehin schon riesigen Firmen.
Naja, ich habe mir auch erstmal einen Account zugelegt, vielleicht finde ich ja auch ein paar Sachen in meinem Kleiderschrank, die ich verkaufen oder tauschen kann.

Zurück zu der Lederjacke, die habe ich gefunden! Ich hoffe, hoffe, hoffe, dass ich die bekomme! Ich möchte sie unbedingt haben :)) Mal schauen ..
Liebste Grüße, Alina

Mein Profil :)

Montag, 29. April 2013

Shop till you drop.


I'm finally done with School and learning and everything. That means, holidays till the end of September!!! Wow, can't believe it.

Well, since I'm ready I spend a lot of time in the Internet doing Online-Shopping :)
I just ordered a package from, and .. First package full of shoes came yesterday, I think I'll keep everything besides from the Buffalo ones, don't like them that much !

What have you done in the past?

Love, Alina

Favourite <3

In Grey :)

Sonntag, 24. März 2013

Day Five, India.

Last day!
Our theme for the final exams is about India. That's reason why we had to dress up in a sari on friday. I think it looked amazing, so many colours, so colourful and different :) I really liked it!

Now, I'm completely done with school. Two weeks of learning, then my final exams and then I'm ready! Done with everything :) Love, Alina
Some pictures for youu:

Freitag, 22. März 2013

Day Three and Day Four: Beach-Club and

Hey Girls :)
I havn't really taken that much photos on the other days, because we all weren't so happy, becuase the teachers said no to music and some alcohol. So we all weren't in a good mood.
For Beach-Club I was dressed up really normal. Just shorts, a bikini and a white top. I also braided some flowers into my hair :)
For I dressed up as Catwoman from Batman, at first I wanted to be Lara Croft, but many girls said, that they want to do that, so I thought about another idea.

Hope you like it, love Alina.

Sangria <3 :D


Me as Catwoman.

Mittwoch, 20. März 2013

Day Two, jobs.

Second day! Really funny again .. havn't take that much photos but there are some, I can show you :)
Today was Beach-Club, and it was freaking cold, but I'm going to show you some pictures tomorrow! Because now, we're going with a bunch of people partying in the city ! I don't know what to wear, like always .. well, I'm off now :) Love, Alina

Do you have a Special-Last-Week-of-School?

Dienstag, 19. März 2013

Day One, Festival.

Last week of school, EVER!
So happy, this is my last school week for my entire life! How amazing is that, huh?
As a tradition, the oldest from our school are celebrating their last school week with a different motto every day!
Our week started with "Festival"! I was dressed up as I would go to the Coachella Festival in the US (my dream to go there one day!!). Enjoy!! :) Love, Alina

All the people.

My favourite <3

Sonntag, 10. März 2013

Art Project.

Long time no see .. !

Hi Guys,
remember, when I told you about my art project at the beginning of february? I'm finally done with it and I wanted to show it to you. I'm actually really proud of it, and I hope I'll get a great grade for it, 'cause I really invested time in it :)
By the way, I only have 5 days of school left and then I'm ready! YES, completely done with school. Forever. Ahhh, so excited!
In two weeks, we have a so called "Mottoweek" in school, everybody's dressing up to a specific theme, that we've choosen weeks before and then we're celebrating our last school weeks! I think, I'm might going to show you my outfits, the themes are: Festival, Jobs, Beach Day,, and India! I have a lot of good ideas for it, hopefully I'll look good ..

Have a nice sunday, love Alina

Drawing ..

Complete collage (just a picture with my phone)

Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013

Almost Spring.

Hey Guys!

Bad News, my laptop is broken :( I can't work with it anymore, actually my pc is not really old, but I wasn't paying a lot of attention to it the past years and I treated it really bad, now I have the consequences :/ Well, only 40 days left (soo excited!!) and I'll be 18 and I want a new laptop for my birthday, maybe I'll get a macbook :))

Here is a picture of my boyfriend, me and a friend of us on carnival in February. My boyfriend and me were "Top Gun" and Lukas was a cat, haha! We had a lot of fun on that day, but we havn't took any more pictures, because we celebrated outside with a hundred of people, so we havn't had the chance to take the camera with us!

Have a good night, see you soon! Love, Alina <3

Haha :))

Love him <3

Montag, 18. Februar 2013

My Weekend.

School. School. School.
Tha't the only thing I have on my mind these days. But on Wendnesday I'm finally done with everything! I'm counting the minutes backwards, seriously!
Besides from learning, the past weekend, we celebrated my mum's boyfriend's birthday with family. It was really nice and cozy (and yummy !!) and the perfect distraction from studying :)
I almost forgot to take some pictures, but some I will show you!

Love Alina :)