Montag, 4. Februar 2013


Hi Guys,
actually, I wanted to update my blog this afternoon, but somehow the post didn't get online. Anyway, I just wrote, that I'm home and that I have to go to work now, but I'm done and now I'm laying in my bed and working on my homeworks and on my motivation-letter for college.
I'm soo freaking tired! My bofriend and I watched Super Bowl yesterday night and now I'm so tired. I don't really get the rules from football, but I liked Béyonce, haha.

School literally takes over my life! I have to do so much for it, the past few weeks, that I don't really have time for myself! The following pictures are for my art class! We have to take a picture of ourselves and then we have to cut it into half and paint the other half of our face.
I want to keep you updated on that project, but you really have to know, I'm so bad at drawing! I really don't know, why I actually went to art class .. hm, well! You will see, haha.

Enjoy the rest of your night! See you soon, love Alina

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