Good Morning everyone,
since I have fall vacations, in the morning I have time to prepare myself a nice breakfast. By the way, breakfast is my favourite meal of the day.
Today I decided to try out something not classy, warm and crunchy. Hope you like it, and I'll show you how to do it ...
You'll need: 1 glass of cherrys, 200 gram muesli (I took crunchy muesli), 2 eggs, Vanilla pudding, half a litre of milk and 40 gram sugar

Step 1: Leave the cherries drain and place the muesli in a form.
Step 2: Prepare the pudding with milk and sugar like the instruction says.
Step 3: Seperate the eggs and whisk the egg whites until it is stiff.
Step 4: Mix the egg yolk, the egg white and the vanilla pudding together with a whisk.
Step 5: Place the pudding all over the cherries and the muesli. And dust it with some more muesli.
Step 6: Back it for about 30 minutes in the oven by 180°C/356°F.

Aaaaaaand ready :)
Perfect morning! Nice breakfast and an episode of Desperate Housewives
Tell me what you think and if you like'd it. Maybe leave some photos of your breakfast in the comments.
Love, Alina.